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2025 News



    DONORS TO THE BUILDING PROJECTWe Need Your Assistance with
    The Building Project

    The building fund is gradually growing and is approaching $800,000.00. In order to build a facility that will meet the needs of future generations, the steering committee is aiming for a total of 1.4 million. This figure will provide for a beautiful building, state of the art exhibits, and a suitable operating fund. We have met with professional museum curators and are following their recommendations. The new museum/learning center will feature.

    • An attractive building with a classroom suitable for school groups, 4-H, scouts, etc.

    • Offices for the Seymour Community Historical Society, Inc. and the Home of the Hamburger, Inc.

    • Interactive displays utilizing the latest technology.

    • An emphasis on Seymour area history preserving our local heritage.

    • A research area for people interested in genealogy and family history.

    • A secure area suitable to show traveling exhibits.

    • Adequate storage space for the society’s collection.

    • An area to recognize and remember community organizations, businesses, and school activities.


    Cash Donation
    Pledges can be divided up over several years. The historical society is incorporated as an educational organization and all donations are tax deductible.

    Stock Transfer
    The society has a brokerage account and stock can be transferred directly to that account to realize tax savings.

    Estate Planning
    Please keep the Seymour Community Historical Society, Inc. in mind when you do your estate planning. Tax benefits are available when giving to an educational corporation.

    In-Kind Donations
    Perhaps you own a business and would prefer to donate labor, a skill, or materials for the building. You or your business will be credited for the dollar value of the gift.

    Recognition for a Loved One

    All donors who contribute $500.00 or more will be provided with the opportunity to have their name or a name they designate, on a donor plaque in the entryway. Naming rights for pictures and sponsorships for displays are available at various levels of giving starting at $2,500.00. Details are available on the SCHS Web site, ( or on pledge cards and descriptive brochures. This is an excellent opportunity to display a memory for your family while contributing to a great cause.


    The people and businesses listed below have donated a minimum of $50.00 toward the new Museum project. Please consider adding your name to the list. Thank you!

    Banker, John
    Behrendt, George and Audrey
    Beilfuss, Dan and Ruth
    Blohm, Leland and Betty
    Boettcher, June
    Burke, Tom and Shirley
    Campbell, Jim and Nancy
    Carlson, Dr. Jim and Sue
    Collar, Bill and Holly
    Coonen, Bob and Marge
    Court, Mrs. Earl
    Cumicek, John and Adrianne
    Dalke, Lois
    Dorosz, Steve and Darla
    Duffey, Tom and Ann
    Dyer, John and Sharon
    Ebert, Clayton and Audrey
    Eisenreich, Ted and Bobbi Jo
    Eick, Roger and Janice
    Farr, Kathleen and Dean
    Feurig, Don and Frieda
    Frampton, Susan
    Gardner, Marge
    Ginocchio, Frances
    Gosse, Emil
    Gosse, Mary
    Gosse, Dr. Richard & Karen
    Green, John and Mary Estate
    Grimm, Paul and Deanna
    Hallada, Karen
    Herbst, Gaylord and Linda
    Hesprich, Kevin and Sue
    Hoff, Dr. Don and Gail
    Huth, Ralph and Mary
    Kailhofer, Letty
    Kemp, Steve
    Kenton. Carol Piper
    Keyzers, Mike and Sue
    Kimball, Joan
    Kimball, William
    Klass, Pat and Mary
    Kline Joseph J.
    Kneisler, Ralph and Arlene
    Koenigs, John and Lynn
    Krabbe, Steve and Cheri
    Kraft, LaMont and Sandy
    Kraft, Lloyd and Esther
    Kraft, Vilas and Vernice
    Krahn Estate, Harold & Agnes
    Krueger, Otto
    Kuehne, Carl & Mary Ellen
    Kuehne, Doloris
    Krull, Pat and Cathy
    Landwehr, T.J.
    Lehrhaupt, Charles
    Lerum, Ollie and Adeline
    Lubinski, Dick and Donna
    Lubinski, Vernon & Evelyn
    Ludvigson, Eric and Sue
    Maass, Dave and Mary
    Maass, Warren and Gloria
    Maass, Jim and Jean
    Machachek, Ed and Jo
    Melchert, Adela
    Melchert, Gary & Mary Lou
    Melchert, Ralph
    Mory, Roberta
    Mueller, Russ and Sue
    Nagel, Pat
    Norelius, Janice
    Peterson, Randy and Debbie
    Piehl, Elizabeth Bassett
    Piehl, Richard and Ann
    Pierre, Perry and Carol
    Pingel, Harold and Dolores
    Piper, George and Patsy
    Piper, Janice
    Puls, Roy
    Reed, Randy and Ann
    Reed, Don and Dorothy
    Rohloff, Jean
    Rottier, Ken and Judy
    Schnabl, Frank
    Schneider, Randy & Nancy
    Schuh, Pudge and Cassie
    Schuster, Ronald
    Seidl, Marilyn
    Severson, Judy
    Seymour FFA Alumni
    Seymour Homemakers
    Seymour Woman’s Club
    Shuler, Susan and Willard
    Sigl, Janet
    Staley, Ruth and Elwyn
    Stellmacher, Chuck & Deb
    Stellmacher, Jon & Rebecca
    Storma, Al and Caroline
    Tech, Harold and Thelma
    Veitch, Jean
    Wettstein, Bob and Mary
    Weyers, Ron and Colleen
    Wurtzel, John
    Zak, Dr. Dan and Pam
    Balance Studios
    Baylake Bank
    Chase Bank
    Cheezy Jim’s Pizza
    CK Holdings, Ltd.
    Community First - Nichols
    Coonen, Inc.
    Countryside Photographers
    Cumicek Jewelers
    Dairy Queen/Grill and Chill
    Don’s Quality Market
    First National Bank
    Elexco, Inc.
    Kailhofer’s Greenhouse
    Heinke, Dr. Marilyn
    Home of the Hamburger
    Huettl Bus, Inc.
    Lakeside Foods
    Lubinski, Reed, & Klass
    M & I Bank
    Marcks Trucking & Excavating
    Muehl-Boettcher Funeral Hm.
    Nichols Fire Department
    Northeastern Roofing
    Orion Labels
    Osborn Roofing
    Seymour Chamber of Comm.
    Seymour Rescue Squad
    Schuh Construction
    Thrivent Financial
    Truyman-Haase Ins.

    Your Donation
    If your name has been omitted from the donors to the Building Fund, please contact either treasurer, Marge Coonen or Bill Collar. Prior to erecting the donor plaque, you will be contacted to verify your name, spelling, and amount of the gift. Thank you for your support of the museum.

    Site developed by: Balance Interactive Studios
    Copyright 2025 SCHS