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BART STARR IN SEYMOUR 1961150 At Holy Name Breakfast, Hear Bart Starr’s Talk
Seymour Press – April 12, 1961

Veteran Quarterback Bart Starr of the Green Bay Packers joined the Holy Name Society of St. John the Baptist church in saluting the school’s basketball team. Starr, making his first public speaking engagement in Seymour, told the group that the four keys, preparation, practice, faith and perseverance, were necessary in achieving success. About 150 fathers, sons, and daughters attended the breakfast meeting in the parish hall Sunday following the 8 a.m. mass offered by Father Joseph Labno.
A spiritual bouquet was presented to Father Labno, who serves as spiritual director of the society. Gifts were presented to Coaches Vernon Lubinski and Dave Hallada and eighth grade member of the basketball team, Dick Lubinski, Larry Reed, Gary Bunkleman, Roger Haas, and Francis Coonen, Jr. Joe Reed served the team as manager.
The fourth place trophy from the Pulaski Grade school basketball tourney was awarded to the team. The team competed in the Tri-County Conference and finished in fourth place with an 8-8 record. Other team members are Travis Lubinski, Sixth grade; David Truyman, Steve Spaude and Jeff Reed, seventh grade.
Cheerleaders honored include Sarah Huettl, Sharon Fischer, Betty De Bruin, Sandra Cropsey, Rosemary Ver Voort, Sandy Matuszak, Mary Ann Miller, Patsy Treml, Kathy Cumicek and Connie Bunkleman.
Starr said that since Coach Lombardi came to Green Bay, the team realized fully what it meant to be prepared. Starr praised his coach for accenting it in his athletic program. A head start on the future can be gained through athletics, the Alabama ace told the society. Through it they learn promptness, sacrifice, and think in terms of team success, he told the students.
The team of Johnny Unitas and Raymond Barry of the Baltimore Colts were Starr’s example of practice. Both have gotten to know each other’s strong points and weaknesses through constant practice and their success is most apparent, he said. Learn to specialize and then work on it, he told the group. Perseverance and patience will lend themselves also to success, he said.
Starr said that at Alabama the coach had a sign in his office that always influenced him. “When the going gets tough, the tough get going”, it read. Starr said of the Lombardi era in Green Bay, this also was carried out in the “Giving thanks to the Lord for our success” also has become a part of the Green Bay program prior to each game.
As a postscript to his address, Starr told the athletes to learn the ability of laughing at life when things do not go your way.
The nominating committee’s officer slate was announced. Nominated were Leo Haas, Don Leisch, and Frank Ebert for president; David Hallada and Ray Lembcke for vice president; Charles Kimball, Tom Duffey, Jr., and Don Fraser for secretary; Fabian Treml, Harold Stingle, and Phillip Dahlman for treasurer; Don Vanden Heuvel, John Ostrowski and Richard Lubinski for marshall.
Elections will be held at the May meeting. Prizes were awarded to Judy Wendt, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Herb Wendt, Mary Flanagan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leon Flanagan, Andrew Adamski and Tom Burke.

Pictured below is the team that was honored. St. John’s Basketball Team 1961 - Front Row L to R: Jeff Reed, Dick Lubinski, Steve Spaude, Travis Lubinski, Dave Truyman, Coach Dave Hallada and Coach Vernon Lubinski. Back Row L to R: Gary Bunkleman, Roger Haas, Fran Coonen, Larry Reed and Joe Reed

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