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2025 News


    Dedication of the Fountain

    Dedication of the Fountain On a beautiful August day, over 100 community members gathered on the west side of the museum to pay tribute to Rita Gosse and her contributions to the Seymour Community Historical Society. Rita, a charter member and long time president of the society, was recognized with the dedication of a memorial fountain. Pictured here are Rita's daughter, Julie Lardnois and her father, Emil Gosse.

    SCHS members Lois Dalke, Marge Coonen, Pat Seidl and June Boettcher selected the fountain and commemorative plaque. Bob Coonen and Roy Porter laid the pavers and Pat Seidl and Kailhofer’s provided flowers. It was a beautiful program and a impressive accolade to Rita. MC Bill Collar opened the program with the Pledge of Allegiance and then introduced Mayor Rottier who informed the audience that Rita’s love of the museum made him think of a teacher who once said, “History is a study of the past, while in the present, with an eye on the future.”

    Rita’s daughter Julie thanked the society and its members for the garden, plaque, and fountain and commented on how appreciative her mother would be. She then reminded the audience that Rita was passionate about an addition to the museum and encouraged the audience to support the project. Julie said we all have time and talent to offer and urged people to volunteer in their community.

    Lois Dalke, vice president of the society, then sang a beautiful accapella version on one of Rita’s favorite songs, “Summertime.” The program concluded with St. John’s Deacon Orville DeBruin saying a prayer. Collar reminded the crowd that Rita like to see others having a good time and invited everyone to attend music in the park. Following the entertainment by Les James, the audience was treated to baked goods and snacks courtesy of members of the SCHS. How appropriate it was that the evening concluded in the gazebo, a building that Rita led the campaign to build.

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