1926-27 High School Orchestra Grows from Ten to Twenty-five Members
(1927 Ripper)
The orchestra under the leadership of Mr. Leland Forrest, has grown from ten members last year to twenty-five this year. Their organization practices faithfully twice a week and does much toward pepping up the school. The orchestra played for the Farmers Institute and several movies and will play for all the graduation events at the end of the year.
First Violin: Stewart Droeger, Eunice Clough, Gustav Feuirig, Leon Schultz, Ivo Huettl, Maurice Barclay and Hubert Eick.
Second Violin: Robert Slater, Robert Wolk, Frank Piehl, Harry Moeller, William Piehl and Harvey Doersch.
Solo Violin: Alfred Holz Cello: Miss Zenk First Clarinet: Elmer Melchert and Kenneth Brusewitz Piano: Malcolm Knutzen
Second Clarinet: James Feurig Alto Saxophone: Carlton Stritzel Flute: Milton Keune, First Trumpet: Milton Sachs, Claude Huth Second Trumpet: Frank Wolk and Bell Fiedler Trombone: Darrel Hahn Drums: Floyd Haver
1926-27 Selected School Events
Sept. 17 The Sewing Club was organized under the supervision of Miss Olive VanVuren.
Sept. 27 Girls Glee Club organized. One of the girls trying out for alto sang second bass.
Oct. 4 First Boys Basket Ball Meeting. According to looks and actions we should have a peppy team.
Nov. 3 All students gave a yell when it was announced no school until Monday because of teachers convention.
Nov. 9 The students sang, "When the Red-Red Robin comes Bob-Bob Bobbin Along" in assembly.
Dec. 6 Seniors had a glorious time on their sleigh ride party to Culbertsons. No serious results.
Jan. 7 "Yes, We Have No Bananas" is announced as the most popular song. The students were amused.
Jan. 11 Professor Axley recovering from several weeks of illness was welcomed back to school.
Feb. 1 Some of the students began to act as if they had "Spring Fever."
May 1 The Ripper is out. Now we have to sell them.
May 5 Junior Prom! Big success! The hall was decorated beautifully. The Seniors felt highly honored.
May 10 - 12 Senior Class Play! "Mary's Millions." Enjoyed by a very large audience.
June 2 Commencement Exercises. Prof. E. G. Doudna of the University of Wisconsin speaker - 25 Graduates.