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    ART EXHIBIT SEPTEMBER 10 Art Show featuring the Creations of Lila Zastrow
    and Dave Hendrickson - Sept. 10 to 25

    The Seymour Community Historical Society is pleased to present the artwork of Seymour area residents Lila Zastrow and Dave Hendrickson. Their impressive work will be on display for two weeks with a special “Meet the Artist Night” on Saturday, September 10th from 5:00 to 8:00 PM. This is an excellent opportunity to meet Lila and Dave and view their extensive collection that includes unique items crafted from wood. The program is free and open to the public. Members of the historical society will serve refreshments.

    Lila Zastrow graduated Magnum Cum Laude with a degree in music from Lawrence University in 1977. After graduation Lila worked with Ron Wall building tracker organs for a period of two years. She went on to apprentice in the field of piano technology with Mike Drost and eventually became a technician for Lawrence University Conservatory as well as having private customers in the Fox Valley. Throughout her life Lila has created art in various media and continues to explore new ideas. She has built two harpsichords and rebuilt more than 60 pianos.

    David Hendrickson graduated from U W Madison with a degree in art in 1972. He went into the field of band instrument repair. After meeting Lila, she taught him piano technology and the two went into business together. David has also continued to make art and is building classical guitars and lutes.

    Where others might see a stump or log, Lila and Dave see a future piece of furniture or a work of art. The historical society is pleased to present their creations for the public to view. The resourceful couple lives south of Seymour on French Road.

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