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    Ron Nachtwey: A Great Friend of the Museum

    Ron Nachtwey:  A Great Friend of the Museum It takes the commitment of many volunteers to operate the museum, update exhibits and staff it during open hours. From the inception in 2012 no one has volunteered more to build exhibits and repair existing displays than Ron Nachtwey. Unfortunately, Ron passed away in December. The museum staff extends sincere sympathy to his wife Sharon, three daughters, Jodi, Rachael and Amy and her husband Scott Lemke and granddaughter Autumn.
    During the early stages of museum Ron stopped by and mentioned that he worked with wood and asked if there was anything he could do to help with building displays. The first project was constructing large dividers to separate displays.
    The Reese family decided they wanted to sponsor an exhibit in memory their of parents who owned and operated Reese's Dairy. After speaking with Ron he volunteered to build a model of the lunch counter complete with the original stools. The finished product has reminded numerous museum visitors of the good times at Reese's.
    Whenever there was a need Ron stepped up and in succeeding years he built over 25 benches for music in the park, numerous display tables for the museum and shelving for the gift shop.

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