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SEYMOUR GRADUATES IN WWIISeymour Graduates in World War II

A plaque hangs in the military display on first floor of the museum. It was created late in WWII listing all the Seymour High School graduates serving in the military. When speaking with Seymour residents who graduated during the war years, they all mention that the young male graduates either worked on the farm or went in service. The 150 names on the plaque makes a person realize the impact the war had on area residents.

Archiquette, Floyd
Barth, Clarence
Bauman, Robert
Beckman, Francis
Beckman, Willard
Bernhardt, Laurent
Beyer, William
Blanshan, Dorothy
Blanshan, Harold
Blanshan, Ralph
Brandenburg, Eldon
Brass, Harry
Brockman, Earl
Brusewitz, Kenneth
Bunkleman, Betty
Capron, Jon
Culbertson, Ira
DeBruin Orville
DeBruin, Lloyd
Denny, Arnold
Doersch, George
Dopkins, Harold
Dopkins, Warren
Druckrey, Melvin
Eisenreich, Robert
Falck, Beverly
Feurig, Don
Feurig, James
Fischer, Leon
Fisher, Elmer
Fleming, Leo
Foley, Harold
Ganzel, Lawrence
Gavronski, John
Gosse, Emil
Groendahl, Raymond
Grunwaldt, Albert
Haase, Clarence
Haase, Howard
Haase, Joseph
Hahn, Darrell
Hallada, Franklin
Hallada, Raymond
Hawkins, Theodore
Heiden, Floyd
Hein, Robert
Herning, Alan
Huettl, Bernard
Huettl, Joseph
Huhn, Maurice
Huth, Claude
Jackson, Robert
Kaphingst, Gordon
Kaphingst, Robert
Karweick, Claude
Kellogg, Robert
Keoppel, Austin
Kimball, William
Kneisler, John
Koepp, Martin
Kraft, Kenneth
Krahn, Marvin
Krzuscz, Zygmond
Kuehne, Robert, Jr.
Kuntsman, Elmer
Kuntsman, Harvey
Liebhaber, Franklin
Liebhaber, Leroy
Lubinski, Vernon
Maas, Wilbur
Marnocha, Orville
Marnocha, Richard
Masch, Ellen
Masch, Lois
Masch, Robert
McBain, Rolland
Melchert, Carl
Melchert, Henry
Mill, Robert
Mill, William
Miller, Robert
Miller, Mack
Mueller, Marion
Nelson, Don
Nelson, Lowell
Ness, Willis
Ohlrogge, Gaylord
Ohlrogge, Gordon
Pasch, Leroy
Pauls, Alfred
Peotter, Claude
Piehl, Frank
Ploger, Ralph
Puls, Maynard
Reed, Donald
Reed, Gerald
Reed, Lloyd
Reed, Thomas
Rettler, Norman
Royce, Cecil
Royce, Marvin
Runge, Carlisle
Rusch, Roger
Rusch, Wallace
Sasman, Cyril
Sasman, James Lee
Sasman, Ralph
Schnabl, Frank
Schneider, Everett
Schroeder, Harold
Schweger, Clement
Scruton, Leonard
Shepherd, Allen
Shepherd, James
Sherman, Colleen
Sherman, Danforth
Sherman, James, Jr.
Sigl, Robert
Silverwood, Robert
Sperl, George
Steward, Howard
Stonis, John
Storma, Ivan
Stygar, Stanley
Sutliff, James
Svendsen, Jeanette
Sylvester, Gordon
Sylvester, Willard
Talbot, Leroy
Thiel, Vernon
Timmers, Gordon
Toeliner, Maynard
Tubbs, William
VanVuren, Keith
Veitch, Malcom
Wagester, Joyce
Wagester, Leonard
Weise, James
Werner, Earl
Werner, Marvin
Wolk, Arthur
Wolk, Robert
Wussow, Carl
Zey, Jerome
Ziewacz, Lawrence
Zuiches, Arthur
Zuiches, William

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