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This past summer Dan Melchert donated a framed leather club jacket and several "Seymour Press" articles about the "Village Stompers". A permanent exhibit is now on display in the museum.

A group of young auto enthusiasts intent on establishing a "cool" rapport with the community have formed a hobby club. They will pursue their own interests in cars and serve the community. About five years ago a similar group of young men failed in their attempt to keep a club operating.
Self Policing
One of the problems was the lack of a permanent home in which they could gather, exchange ideas and improve their cars. This year's group has reinstated the name "Village Stompers" and with the help of the City of Seymour found a home in the old city hall. The police and fire departments previously housed in the building have moved to the new municipal building. Before members vote on an applicant, he must indicate his reasons for seeking membership. It is all part of the self-policing effort designed to ensure the club longevity for years after the 15 charter members have left. The Stompers currently have 20 members. Two of the originals are no longer in the club. Most members are from the Seymour area.
High Standards
They stress up keep of their cars and work together on car projects such as custom painting or body work. An impromptu visit to the clubhouse found it neat and clean. They tore out the old furnace from the former fire hall. The old police office, now a lounge, has couches, easy chairs and a television set. About a third of the members competed in races at Kaukauna this summer and collection of trophies speak of their success. The Club meets twice monthly It has $1 monthly dues and penalizes members $1 for one excused absence, $2 for a second and imposes possible expulsion for three misses. Police Chief William Hietpas took a interest in the group and was instrumental in obtaining the old city hall quarters for the club. The club in turn has given him an honorary membership and consider him their adviser
Elected Officers
The club has elected officers to serve for the first year. They are Ron Haws. president. Charles Ness, vice president, Steve Mielke, treasurer and David Helein secretary. The club is only nine months old. Its members must be 18 years old and own a car. Most are 21 and older, although a few pre-18year-olds have been admitted on a probationary basis. The entry fee is $7.00. The member gets a "Village Stomper plaque for his car. Applicants must be approved by 75% of membership by secret ballot. Members are encouraged to be law-abiding citizens. By-laws stipulate a $3.50 fine on members involved in a moving traffic violation. A three-point infraction means suspension for 30 days from the club and 60 days on a six-point infraction.
Forbid Beer
They forbid beer on the clubhouse, prohibit "foul language" (And apparently set a self -imposed fine for violators of this law as judged by the heavy "cuss can" on top of the television set.) Members are reminded that they have neighbors on either side of their clubhouse and that the use of the current facilities is probationary.

Members work only on club cars to avoid competition with any of the city's businessmen. Some of their equipment has been purchased, other items were donated. The terms of service to the community, members parked cars during the city's three-day centennial celebration this summer and earlier helped the Jaycees build picnic tables and prepare trash cans.

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