Back Issues of the Seymour Press
When the local paper was sold to the Advertiser Community News the transaction did not include the back issues of the Seymour Press. (For a brief history of the Seymour Press see Ellen Piehl Duffy’s article on the historical society Web site). Eventually members of the SCHS discovered the papers were stored in a warehouse in Waupaca. An agreement was reached with the Journal- Sentinel Company to turn the archival copies over the historical society and store them at the museum. Fortunately the pallet of papers conveniently fit in John Koenigs’ covered trailer and the papers are now in the museum and available to the public.
Because of a fire at the newspaper office in the 60s, the collection only dates back to 1947. Most of the editions are in bound volumes and easy to peruse. Some of the earlier issues need to be re-bound. If you wish to have access to the papers, either visit the museum during operating hours, or contact one of the directors. The papers are shelved in a back room at the museum. The new museum will provide a more suitable archival area. The following article about Christmas in Seymour during 1950 utilizes information garnered from the newspapers on file.