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    1926 RECIPE BOOK

    1926 RECIPE BOOK1926 Recipe Book
    In 1926 the Seymour American Legion Auxiliary published a cookbook featuring the favorite recipes of the members. Historical society secretary Janice Eick was asked to select several of the most unique, but not necessarily her favorite, submissions.

    Tongue Fricassee
    One fresh beef tongue ( 4 to 5 lbs.) Boil till tender in salt water with parsley, celery and other soup greens. When done skin and put back in water to cool.

    For meat balls for fricassee take ½ lb. beef or veal, 1 good slice of wheat bread soaked in water, 1 egg. Season with salt and pepper, parsley and onion. Mix and form in small balls and cook slowly for ten minutes in the liquid the tongue was boiled in.

    Gravy: Large piece of butter and 2 Large tablespoons flour, brown and then add salt and pepper to taste, juice of ½ lemon, 1 can mushrooms and liquid the tongue was boiled in. Heat thoroughly and serve tongue sliced and meat balls, with gravy over.
    Submitted by: Mrs. Katherine Hittner

    Roast Onions
    Wash some good size onions and without peeling, put into a pan with a very little water to keep from burning and bake in oven until soft. Then peel carefully . pour over a little Melted butter and serve.
    Submitted by: Mrs. Dorothy Otto

    Cream of Beets
    Chop boiled beets fine, place in baking dish, Cover with sweet cream, set in oven until heated through. Remove from oven and add 2 or 3 tablespoons of good vinegar. Stir in carefully, salt and pepper to taste. Garnish with parsley and serve hot.
    Submitted by: Mrs. Chester Dean

    Butterscotch Pie
    Two egg yolks, 1 cup dark brown sugar, 1 cup sweet milk, 2 Tablespoons flour, butter the size of a walnut, 1 teaspoon vanilla. Cook in double boiler. Pour into baked crust. Make a meringue of 2 beaten whites of eggs and 2 tablespoons of sugar. Be sure to use the dark brown sugar.
    Submitted by: Mrs. Florence C. Stadler

    Potato Dumplings
    Two cups cold potatoes, put through a food chopper, 1 cup of bread crumbs, 1 egg, small piece butter, melted, small tablespoon flour, pinch of salt. Work with fingers to form balls. Roll in flour and drop in kettle of boiling water to which a little salt has been added. Cook to about 8 to 10 minutes or until dumpling floats. Serve with sauce or drawn butter.
    Submitted by: Mrs. Alice Longrie


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