Mrs. Lincoln a Big Hit
Mrs. Lincoln a Big Hit
Racine actress Jessica Michna, portraying Mary Todd Lincoln, entertained and educated an audience of about 50 at the Muehl Public Library. Dressed in period clothes, she vividly summarized her experiences from meeting a young Mr. Lincoln to her life as a widow. The skilled performer took the audience on an emotional rollercoaster as she captured the wit of the nation’s 16th president, and then interlaced the humor with poignant incidents of sorrow. Mrs. Lincoln not only lost her husband, but also saw three of her four boys succumb to illness by age 18.
After a presentation of about an hour, Mrs. Lincoln answered questions from an attentive audience. She defended her lavish spending as necessary to upgrade the executive mansion and to conduct herself in a manner fitting the first lady. When asked about her relationship with her oldest son Robert, who had her committed to an asylum later in life, she mentioned he was always a challenge and they never related very well
Co-sponsored by the Friends of the Library and The Seymour Community Historical Society, the event was available to the public at no charge. Refreshments were served, including a cake made from an original Civil War recipe. Everyone agreed, it was a fun evening and a great opportunity to learn more about the President Lincoln and his family. The picture shows Holly Collar, the president of the Friends of the Library and Janice Eick, the Secretary of the Historical Society, with Mrs. Lincoln