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Hotel Seymour

Hotel SeymourHotel Seymour (Razed in 1922)
(Corner of Depot and Main St.)

The December 8, 1898 Appleton Post announced that Louis Fuchsgruber was planning to build a new hotel in downtown Seymour near the depot.

“The ground plan is 40 feet wide and 78 feet long with twenty-four sleeping rooms. It will be two stories and a half high with a basement below. It will be a frame building but will have modern conveniences inside. It will be heated with steam, will be gas lighted and piped throughout. Work will be commenced upon the new hotel as soon as possible in the spring. It will be located upon the present site of the Seymour House which is near the Green Bay & Western depot. The hotel will be furnished throughout in a handsome manner.”

By late summer 1889, the hotel was in full operation. The August 28, 1889 Post reported:

“The new hotel appears like a bride adorned for her husband. It will be ready for occupancy in a few days. Seymour is proud of its two elegant hotels. All we lack now is an interurban road to Appleton so that the outside world can come and see our greatness.”

For several years the representatives of the city had been searching for investors to build an electric trolley line from Seymour to Appleton. City fathers even threatened to secede from Outagamie County if the idea didn’t gain support at the county government level.

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